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西南岩溶地区石漠化综合治理研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
杜文鹏  闫慧敏  甄霖  胡云锋 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5798-5808
我国西南岩溶地区石漠化是人地矛盾作用下生态系统退化的过程或结果,石漠化不仅带来水土流失加剧、旱涝灾害频发、生物多样性降低等生态问题,还会带来贫困落后等一系列社会问题。20世纪80年代开始进行的石漠化治理工作已经成为我国西南岩溶地区生态文明建设的重要举措与必由之路,通过近40年来的石漠化治理使得我国西南岩溶地区石漠化问题恶化的趋势开始得到扭转。面向生态文明新时期的建设目标,石漠化脆弱区仍存在人地矛盾难以全面消除、治理成果可持续性亟待提升等问题,石漠化防治需要从多年来石漠化治理研究与实践探索积累中汲取有益于促进人地和谐、提升生态系统可持续性的治理经验与做法。因此,本文以石漠化治理典型区域调研资料与文献资料为数据基础,从石漠化治理目标、技术、措施和模式四个层面梳理石漠化治理经验与做法,归纳总结出石漠化综合治理四点配置原则:(1)以治理目标与预期周期为导向,确立石漠化治理采取的措施;(2)针对解决的关键生态退化问题,结合区域特征遴选石漠化治理技术;(3)针对石漠化退化阶段的差异,确定石漠化治理途径措施;(4)结合石漠化综合治理模式的共性特征,以小流域为基本单元,因地制宜的选择与构建石漠化综合治理模式。以期通过对实践经验的总结为石漠化治理过程中选择具备区位适宜性和机理明晰性的生态技术提供参考。  相似文献   
雄安新区白洋淀生态属性辨析及生态修复保护研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘俊国  赵丹丹  叶斌 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3019-3025
湿地是自然界生物多样性最丰富的生态系统之一,与社会发展和人类福祉息息相关。近年来,由于全球气候变化和人类活动的过度干扰,湿地正面临着面积萎缩、功能减弱、多样性降低等诸多问题,湿地退化已经成为制约区域可持续性发展的重大阻碍。伴随着生态文明建设逐渐成为中国特色社会主义建设的重要支柱,湿地生态修复工作得到前所未有的制度保障。深入剖析湿地属性,结合政策保障,有针对性的提出湿地保护与修复的治理措施,对区域的生态环境建设和可持续性发展具有重要意义。选择国家级新区-雄安新区的水命脉-白洋淀湿地为研究对象,在深入剖析其生态属性和已存在的生态问题的基础上,结合生态修复的原则、方法和步骤,提出生态修复与保护的可行性策略。研究结果表明,白洋淀本质是典型的湖泊湿地,同时兼具沼泽湿地特征,由于人类活动的剧烈干扰,白洋淀有向沼泽湿地逆向演替的变化趋势。湿地内存在面积萎缩、水资源量短缺、水环境污染问题突出及生物多样性减少等生态问题。本研究建议:为顺利建设雄安新区,首先,白洋淀湿地在算清"水账"、"污账"和"生态账"的前提下,进一步加强流域水资源调配,科学确定白洋淀湿地最佳水位,恢复淀区水量;其次,通过使用清洁生产技术和限制高排污企业建设等措施,加强污染防治,恢复湿地水质;最后,依据生态承载力理论,划分白洋淀流域的生态功能红线、环境质量红线和资源利用红线等国家生态保护红线体系,为尽快恢复湿地结构与功能提供制度保障。  相似文献   
在云南喀斯特地区,为提升退化灌木群落的生态系统服务功能,营造了不同树种的人工林分。这些人工林分如何影响土壤化学性质还未得到充分认识。以云南泸西县灌木群落及三种常见人工林(云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)、赤杨(Alnus japonica)和侧柏(Platycladus orientalis))土壤为研究对象探讨喀斯特地区在人工林建造后土壤的13种元素全量、可利用性含量和化学计量学特征变异格局,为喀斯特石漠化治理提供理论依据。结果表明,1)基于判别分析,四种群落土壤化学计量特征可以显著区分。土壤Fe、P、K、Mn全量及交换性Ca、交换性Mg和NH_4~+-N对区分四种群落土壤贡献最大。2)四种群落之间相比,侧柏林土壤C、N、S、Na全量和NO_3~--N含量均低于其他三种群落,土壤肥力较低;赤杨林铵态氮含量最高;云南松林有效Fe、有效Cu含量/N、C素具有显著相关性,占所有元素对数的38.5%,说明该地土壤元素积累的相互依赖性。与灌木群落相比,人工林土壤元素全量和可利用性含量相关性比例均更高。这些研究结果对今后基于适地适树人工林营造、生态系统服务功能提升和经营利用,均具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
喀斯特峰丛洼地原生林群落更新动态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张芳  杜虎  曾馥平  彭晚霞  宋同清 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8516-8525
基于木论国家级自然保护区内一个2 hm~2动态监测样地2007、2012和2017年3次植被调查数据,从物种组成、群落结构、重要值、多样性、死亡率、补员率等方面分析喀斯特峰丛洼地原生林群落动态特征。结果表明:2017年样地内木本植物包含46科95属123种,较2007增加2科,减少5属7种;较2012年增加2科,减少4属4种。10年来,该样地优势种变化不明显,重要值≥1的物种数在2017年减少了3种;但排名前5位的物种保持不变,只有个别物种的重要值排序发生了较大的变化。平均胸径、树高、生物量随时间推移而增加;第一个5年,平均胸径和树高差异不显著,但10年间差异显著。随着时间推移,Shannon-wiener指数逐渐减少,Simpson指数和Pielou指数逐渐增加。该森林群落总径级结构呈倒"J"形,总体上群落更新状态良好。10年间DBH≥1.0 cm个体的年死亡率为8.23%,年补员率为5.73%。群落中野桐(Mallotus japonicas)和枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)呈增长趋势,优势地位逐渐上升。20个物种中有约35%的物种更新不足,表现出衰退的迹象,导致群落的物种成分和结构出现较大的变化。群落内主要树种的更新和植被结构变化的分析对于预测森林未来的变化趋势具有重要意义。  相似文献   
该研究通过查阅文献、核对贵州大学林学院标本库及现场群落调查与标本采集,并运用碳同位素比值法研究典型C_4植物水分利用特性,探索C_4植物在喀斯特植被恢复中的地位,进而揭示贵州喀斯特地区C_4植物资源的基本特征。结果表明:贵州喀斯特区共有C_4植物141种,隶属于74属15科,分别占全国科属种的62.50%、46.25%、24.48%,以禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)为主;区内C_4植物种均为一年生或多年生草本,多年生植物种略多于一年生植物种;水分生态型整体偏旱生,旱生和中生植物分别占总数的24.82%和31.21%;喀斯特区C_4植物具有高水分利用效率,但不同水分生态型间差异不显著;贵州喀斯特区C_4植物资源具有资源丰富、利用途径广泛、能长期利用、竞争力强、能大面积分布、偏旱生且水分利用幅度广的基本特征,适合喀斯特区生境,自然状态下多为恢复早期物种,有利于喀斯特区生态恢复。在贵州喀斯特恶劣生态环境下C_4植物有较好的生态适应性,并表现出较高的药用、食用、饲用、景观应用等价值,对其开发利用对贵州经济、社会发展及生态恢复有重要意义。  相似文献   
本研究评估了西藏唐古拉山以北地区(唐北地区)湖泊动态并预测了湖泊空间格局变化.使用面向对象分类和光谱角向量变化检测方法生成了2000-2015年西藏唐北地区每5年一期的生态系统分布数据.以此为基础,分析了湖泊与其他生态系统之间的转换和空间格局特征,评估了湖泊空间格局的动态及其与相关自然地理因素的关系.通过增强回归树识别了不同因素对湖泊动态的贡献,使用GEOMOD模型预测了湖泊到2030年的空间变化.结果表明:唐北地区在2000-2015年间湖泊增加了14.2%,是唐北地区生态系统变化的主要形式之一.区域内15个面积大于10 km2的湖泊有10个增加,另有5个减少,且缩减量较低.通过空间格局分析发现,唐北地区湖泊斑块表现为面积和数量同时增加,大斑块面积比重略有上升.扩张幅度高的湖泊多分布于海拔高、坡度大、温度低、降水少、距离冰川近的区域.位于现有湖泊周边、温度低、降水少、坡度小的区域转变为湖泊的几率较高.根据过去15年的趋势,到2030年,唐北地区湖泊将继续增加119 km2,主要变化形式从大湖扩张转变为小型水面扩张.  相似文献   
Few comparisons exist between vertical accretion (VA) and carbon accumulation rates (CARs) in restored versus historic (i.e. reference) marshes. Here, we compare these processes in a formerly diked, sparsely vegetated, restored salt marsh (Six Gill Slough, SG), whose surface is subsided relative to the tidal frame, to an adjacent, relatively pristine, historic salt marsh (Animal Slough, AS). Six sediment cores were collected at both AS and SG approximately 6 years after restoration. Cores were analyzed for bulk density (BD), % loss of ignition, % organic carbon, and 210Pb. We found that sharp changes in BD in surface layers of SG cores were highly reliable markers for the onset of restoration. The mean VA since restoration at SG (0.79 [SD = 0.29] cm/year) was approximately twice that of AS (0.41 [SD = 0.16] cm/year). In comparison, the VA at AS over 50 years was 0.30 (SD = 0.09) cm/year. VA consisted almost entirely of inorganic sediment at SG whereas at AS it was approximately 55%. Mean CARs at SG were somewhat greater than at AS, but the difference was not significant due to high variability (SG: 81–210 g C m?2 year?1; AS: 115–168 g C m?2 year?1). The mean CAR at AS over the past 50 years was 118 (SD = 23) g C m?2 year?1. This study demonstrates that a sparsely vegetated, restored salt marsh can quickly begin to accumulate carbon and that historic and restored marshes can have similar CARs despite highly divergent formation processes.  相似文献   
In theory, extirpated plant species can be reintroduced and managed to restore sustainable populations. However, few reintroduced plants are known to persist for more than a few years. Our adaptive‐management case study illustrates how we restored the endangered hemiparasitic annual plant, Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum (salt marsh bird's beak), to Sweetwater Marsh, San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, California, United States, and used monitoring and experimentation to identify the factors limiting the reintroduced population. After extirpation in 1988, reintroduction starting that year led to a resilient, genetically diverse population in 2016 (a “boom” of approximately 14,000) that rebounded from a “bust” (62 in 2014). Multiple regressions attributed 82% of the variation in population counts to tidal amplitude, rainfall, and temperature. Populations of salt marsh bird's beak crashed when the diurnal tide range peaked during the 18.6‐year lunar nodal cycle (a rarely considered factor that periodically added approximately 12 cm to tidal ranges). We explain booms as follows: During smaller tidal amplitudes, above‐average rainfall could desalinize upper intertidal soils and stimulate salt marsh bird's beak germination. Then, moderate temperature in May favors growth to reproduction in June. In addition, salt marsh bird's beak needs a short and open canopy of native perennial plants, with roots to parasitize (not non‐native annual grass pseudohosts) and nearby upland soil for a preferred pollinator, ground‐burrowing bees. Although our reintroduced salt marsh bird's beak population is an exceptional case of persistence, this rare species‐specific environmental and biological requirement makes it vulnerable to rising sea levels and global warming.  相似文献   
Manipulation experiments are a cornerstone of ecological research, but can be logistically challenging to execute—particularly when they are intended to isolate the ecological role of large, vagile species, like birds. Despite indirect evidence that birds are influential in many ecosystems, large‐scale, multi‐year bird manipulation experiments are rare. When these studies are conducted, they are typically realized with caged or netted exclosures, an approach that can be expensive, risky for wildlife, and difficult to maintain. In cases where caged exclosures are not appropriate, alternate approaches are needed to allow rigorous empirical studies on the ecological role of birds. Here, we present and validate a method for experimentally increasing the abundance and richness of birds at the scale of entire aquatic ecosystems. Unlike bird exclusion, this approach is experimentally tractable, appealing to land managers, and possible to deploy over large spatial scales. We tested the efficacy of our approach for increasing bird abundance and species richness at 16 central California ponds. Based on bird visitation data obtained by summer camera trapping, our approach significantly increased bird species richness and abundance at manipulated ponds compared to control ponds. Attractant treatments mitigated the negative effects of a major drought on bird species richness and generated a near doubling of bird abundance in the presence of attractants. Treatments had no effect on most mammal species, with the exception of ground squirrels, which increased in abundance in the presence of attractants. These results suggest that attractants are effective in increasing bird abundance and richness. We encourage researchers to consider this approach for experimentally isolating the ecological role of birds in aquatic and open terrestrial ecosystems, especially in cases where cost or logistical constraints preclude the use of caged or netted exclosures.  相似文献   
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